Feb 18
Away. From it all. From that space.
Wear and tear-
where the patter and pitter was once
and she got a ticket to
one way.
to figure it all out.
that place. between. now and then.
so many
so many
so many
so many
steps. frets. regrets.
moments passed.
wheels rolled.
wings cut air.
unable to slow down,
paper nearly unseen for months.
with out ink,
lost in the place of flux
sitting on a bench of repents.
cruise control.
auto pilot.
caffeine and speed.
back and forth.
faces. spaces.
wonderment and search.
Spared the details,
so much to say.
so much seen.
more than some in a life time.
time of one's life.
once the moment has past..
i am left
what is it
about the rain
that gives us a flower?
and so it is.
much in between it all.
the first press
in the city of roses.
overly overdue.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
my face peel Aug 3
Aug 3 2010

peeL thy skin.
spill of citrus.
cruelty free
arguable. gel-like.
spread on my face.
like concrete.
face like plastic. I had to laugh and couldn't.
sOO tight and sooo shiny...
to peel it off-
Like glue on my palms when I was a child. Teachers didn't like that.
I loved it.
peeling my face was even better.
oh the excitement.
As I peel oranges and the like.. I tried to get my face peel off in one piece.
My forehead stood alone.
Face peel, endless fun.
Aug 4::violet petal::
AUg 1 2010::me through his eyes::
a boy who forgot his age drew me today:
.... and a girl about 5 yrs old, (when I asked), told me if she could be any animal in the whole world she would be a flamingo. I asked if this was because they stand on one leg, and she said yes.. she hopped away...
and I was left to smile. I have asked this question of children and adults for years. Nobody has ever responded with flamingo.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
AUg 2 2020
through connection with a friend.. on the way to work i paid notice to beauty..
to s h a r e . across the seas.
a record of beauty kept.
when is beauty amusement? what classifies beauty?
do i really think this is beautiful, or is it simply seeing that is the beauty in itself?
paying kind attention to what catches my eye and creates an emotional response within my chambers?
a glimpse inside...
the list:
a.m. :
It's hard to see beauty on a bus in a temperament that is far from relaxed. Being late, as usual.. B R E A T H E... but still..
ahh.. there are so many things...
1.earlier at home: My long warm-toned, brightly striped sock was longer beyond my toes.. hanging off as if i had an extra long foot this morning. It reminded me of those bendy crawling tubes kids used to have when I was a child. I remembered always wanting one-even though they hurt my knees. I remember my mom never buying one. She probably told me to use my imagination.
and i am glAd shE did.
-beauty in a sock.. and the cognitive web manifested.
2. a bicycle helmet/cap like a horse jockey would wear.. the cyclist is smiling big, despite the early morning hour.
3.sign: HAND CAR wash. What is a Hand Car anyway?(insert imagination: giant hands on wheels moving around town)
4. a coiled plastic pipe (yellow like the cameraman's chucks earlier) in a BIG/HUGE hoop leaning against a wall. .. a HOOLA hoop for a GIANT!!
5.A bus announcement: Jewell Road...my imagination zOOOms away..
6.Cupcake for breakfast. Bleached blonde three year old..devouring..she was eating the paper too.
7.The reflection of the movement behind me in a patent leather bag across from me.. like a blurry movie screen.
8.Paint scuffs on white rubber toes. I see red. Yellow. Black.
9.The thought of this white space finishing and the lovely mysterious interior of this envelope awaiting me.
10.A blue headphone cord.
11. Two hard nipples, then two steps later, two white spray painted X's on the footpath.
12.Abundance of pink today. various hues. Including: a woman's toes, 2/10 pink. That's 1/5.
1.Barely able to control laughter when I walked upstairs to a completely full upper deck and was greeted by sOo many eyes.
2.Tearing this envelope and white powder puffing out of the tear..
(hope it's not anthrax)
3.Seeing into 2nd story windows-broken windows, no windows, rust, fire, spraypaint.space, openness..
4. A shop called Mehboob Travels.
5.Seeing the same two old people sitting on the same green picnic bench in the same spot along the same road.
6.An all yellow display of fruit.
7. Bright. Bright bricks.. like vibrant rust color.
8. A woman dressed in all one color-chewed up mint gum.. (that veRRy pale green).
seeing is beauty.
AUg 2 2020
through connection with a friend.. on the way to work i paid notice to beauty..
to s h a r e . across the seas.
a record of beauty kept.
when is beauty amusement? what classifies beauty?
do i really think this is beautiful, or is it simply seeing that is the beauty in itself?
paying kind attention to what catches my eye and creates an emotional response within my chambers?
a glimpse inside...
the list:
a.m. :
It's hard to see beauty on a bus in a temperament that is far from relaxed. Being late, as usual.. B R E A T H E... but still..
ahh.. there are so many things...
1.earlier at home: My long warm-toned, brightly striped sock was longer beyond my toes.. hanging off as if i had an extra long foot this morning. It reminded me of those bendy crawling tubes kids used to have when I was a child. I remembered always wanting one-even though they hurt my knees. I remember my mom never buying one. She probably told me to use my imagination.
and i am glAd shE did.
-beauty in a sock.. and the cognitive web manifested.
2. a bicycle helmet/cap like a horse jockey would wear.. the cyclist is smiling big, despite the early morning hour.
3.sign: HAND CAR wash. What is a Hand Car anyway?(insert imagination: giant hands on wheels moving around town)
4. a coiled plastic pipe (yellow like the cameraman's chucks earlier) in a BIG/HUGE hoop leaning against a wall. .. a HOOLA hoop for a GIANT!!
5.A bus announcement: Jewell Road...my imagination zOOOms away..
6.Cupcake for breakfast. Bleached blonde three year old..devouring..she was eating the paper too.
7.The reflection of the movement behind me in a patent leather bag across from me.. like a blurry movie screen.
8.Paint scuffs on white rubber toes. I see red. Yellow. Black.
9.The thought of this white space finishing and the lovely mysterious interior of this envelope awaiting me.
10.A blue headphone cord.
11. Two hard nipples, then two steps later, two white spray painted X's on the footpath.
12.Abundance of pink today. various hues. Including: a woman's toes, 2/10 pink. That's 1/5.
1.Barely able to control laughter when I walked upstairs to a completely full upper deck and was greeted by sOo many eyes.
2.Tearing this envelope and white powder puffing out of the tear..
(hope it's not anthrax)
3.Seeing into 2nd story windows-broken windows, no windows, rust, fire, spraypaint.space, openness..
4. A shop called Mehboob Travels.
5.Seeing the same two old people sitting on the same green picnic bench in the same spot along the same road.
6.An all yellow display of fruit.
7. Bright. Bright bricks.. like vibrant rust color.
8. A woman dressed in all one color-chewed up mint gum.. (that veRRy pale green).
seeing is beauty.
Friday, 11 June 2010
It's sunny outside onLY with these glasses.
One to nine on newsprint with his glasses.
No glasses-
in pupils and iris. Iris.
I hope for her belated spring bloom.
He's slept on petals of roses.
Pedal down and through. Pen down.
Thrust out
with lenses
of magic filters
and a bodily disposition to match.
One to nine on newsprint with his glasses.
No glasses-
in pupils and iris. Iris.
I hope for her belated spring bloom.
He's slept on petals of roses.
Pedal down and through. Pen down.
Thrust out
with lenses
of magic filters
and a bodily disposition to match.
There's something about••
There's something about that crispness-
especially around the edges.
almost burnt from touch light and life-
exposed grains from a n o t h e r t i m e
nearly like braille with audible soul.
There's something about the aroma
dEEP in the folds.
bound. binding.
s e w n in ways the Redman could explain.
Like bread toasted golden, sight and scent
f l o a t i n g through-
predicted to be-
- t i m e t r a v e l s -
There's something about the simultaneous mystery-
the understanding that thumbs and eyes have been before...
the slight grit of sand
a n d
thin hEAvineSS.
almost see through-
transparent tissue.
There's something about the way light shines through.
g l o w i n g-
visible upon the turn.
There's something about the rectangles.
i n b e t w e e n-
the brown . yellow . 18 carat hue-
like peanut brittle on doilies around grandmother's house...
it stays in your teeth.
like a fresh baked pie that's been waiting.
There's something about that man, head down.
viewing intently.
Orthopedic Strategy.
There's something about the illustrations.
the way things used to be
and f o r e v e r w i l l -
the way of writing.
There's something about the pulling desire for me to ask him
to smELL his...
to taste his...
to feel his...
There's something about an old book.
There's something about that crispness-
especially around the edges.
almost burnt from touch light and life-
exposed grains from a n o t h e r t i m e
nearly like braille with audible soul.
There's something about the aroma
dEEP in the folds.
bound. binding.
s e w n in ways the Redman could explain.
Like bread toasted golden, sight and scent
f l o a t i n g through-
predicted to be-
- t i m e t r a v e l s -
There's something about the simultaneous mystery-
the understanding that thumbs and eyes have been before...
the slight grit of sand
a n d
thin hEAvineSS.
almost see through-
transparent tissue.
There's something about the way light shines through.
g l o w i n g-
visible upon the turn.
There's something about the rectangles.
i n b e t w e e n-
the brown . yellow . 18 carat hue-
like peanut brittle on doilies around grandmother's house...
it stays in your teeth.
like a fresh baked pie that's been waiting.
There's something about that man, head down.
viewing intently.
Orthopedic Strategy.
There's something about the illustrations.
the way things used to be
and f o r e v e r w i l l -
the way of writing.
There's something about the pulling desire for me to ask him
to smELL his...
to taste his...
to feel his...
There's something about an old book.
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