Sunday, 31 January 2010

SaTurDay TuRn bAck (12)


This day: 25-5-09 8:19am
London Paddington to Bath Spa
Collaboration of notice: jam/bfr

Yak Yeti Yak
words, taking turns.

tingly buds. suds. mushy generals. hiking chille pods. vibrant options. zigzags. ruffles. and four-leafed walls. a wish? a flower. salt pepper. grated. shoe. horse. hats on heads. woven. spiral lights. two lanes. green glass. chisel chains. crimson whine. electric wizards. bold and blue. lemon twist. stars half price. and neighbors crunch. cushioned existence. soda pulp. hooked. spoons. tasseled corners a float. snow mountain fusion. porcelain, ideal standard. cobblestone wall pop outs. charcoal. chiseled. pine cones. guitar. chrome statue. eleven circles and a stringy thing of tin. maybe more? stripped wool. wicked patterns. wood. water rings. mist. laughing rose bushes. clenched noodle. cling-clangs. spinal eruptions. seven circles more.

and later:
on the ticket

tracks. bath tubs in kitchens. droplets of fuzzy blue bonzais. mohawks flapping alone. black bird. blue sky. stomping to check. gaze. white buds booming bright. laminated inside. popping drums. twelve different trees. giggles and hums. archways. cardboard barnyards and cotton sheep. peeking through corners. man and dog. best friend in coffee castles. two browns in the middle of yellow. staring ripples-illusion of optics. graffiti on canvas. plumb bark and steeples. pomade. stronghold. spears.

beautiful Bath.

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