Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Pocket LinT skY

Dashing with Donovan-
Gunna have forever to fly.Horns and a woman of the angels prelude.
Electrical banana.

Like a neon sign after glow. Dust. Moths. Mites layered thickly
on tubes-
Florescence and fabrications of friendliness.

Glance up. He digs for gold and stretches as he owns the land. Closely he smells of a young brother, out for summer fun-
Metal and mesh. Skin.

Thick or thin-

Alert. Rotten eggs aboard.

It's a day that seems unlike so.
Darkly jig-sawed
like a stumble home-a stumble upon-
A childhood rise to amusement. Parked. Here. It is not.
Roll and coast.
Closed eyes of seas and salt. Sway.
Need to floss.
Ripples more than so.

Pocket lint skies.

A bird flaps and flaps between
these amputee trees..

Seemingly a race-for the worm or woe.

Parallel universe, wings we used to have
with strings
I ask

Why finish first?
Let's cut them.

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