Before you read on:
triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
Fear or a phobia concerning the number 13.
I hope the black cat stayed away from your path.
Y e s t e r d a y:
He said his bag of man was made from ________brock?Bock?Buok?Buck? He said, with pride, "It's kind of like an antelope." I thought, it's kind of like it's still breathing. Disgust. I had to ask. Ballerina-like. Straight spine. Elite length. Posture. Him? Coatless in morning downpour. Poor him. No, poor antelope. Cruel. Ugly. Terrible to touch. Part of the 277 crew. I splashed. Passed. Responseless-after I asked. I had to . It was proudly on display, on multiple days. I guess he dId have a coat after all. It just wasn't his. Wasn't borrowed. Simply stolen.
So many events. Train termination. Attempted coffee. Lost money. Missed train-coffee in chunks. In mouth. Curdled. Dumped. Paper cup in pocket. Fall in puddle. (Not me). Saved. Corrugated. Card. Bored? No time to be.
Desperate. Refill. Instant. School kitchen. Rushed and flushed. Extra hot. Extra water. Fingerprints removed. Double coach. Extra-Fieldless trips, day two. Superstitions in a number. A day. Dungeon and Globe. Spin and rot.
Poison asseverated. Sip. Sips. No attempt to forfend the future over hang. Walk in company. Practically soldiers for making it through. Not hardly, in the true sense. Lessons of cover. Roses of skin and ice. And me.-
Two hysterectomies. Potentially a vasectomy. After the head pulse of pre-teen-scream, two agree.
A round. About. The electrical box bangs. Cords out, like brains. A speckled head like a brick I saw later. Jay walk.
Split. Dirty. Dirty green. Food remnants throughout. Beetroot cake, delicious. Thick. Vegan-like. Big gulp needed.
A lock in. Needed my foot in mouth. Compliment of regret. Similar to thing you say when someone isn't actually pregnant. Locals falling about and V signs just for me. On a styrofoam platter. Take away container. Sadness and slurred speech with hatred, " We all knooooow whASss goin ON...". Ready Salted save me. More than OK. More to say.
Bromleys. Bow and Arrow. Howling wind and freshness. Comfort. Strong and powerful. Me, mesh-chested, wind right through. Milieu of thrust and rhyme. Carapace set aside. Alley. Shelterless. Umbrella hand. Stands. Legs in motion-slow. For and against it all.
Long and short. Friday journey. And finally-I could be. As she, in the beginning.

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