Wednesday, 11 November 2009


First below. Then above.^ Words and lines. One in the same.Sitting. Seeing.Leaving, most inner dialogue behind. Self preservation on a toy train. With her.

If I had a knife to section off my area of allotted space-a straight line from my seat... he would lose . From six inches diagonally cut above his right knee down. A bit of his elbow too. Fake sleeper.

UGHp to go move-a purposeful foot tap to awaken.. and a look of disgust.Yeah- I'm moving because of you. S p a c eI n v a d e r.

Tracked to a separate car. Peering at me-visible through two panes, pain.

A load of rubbish.
In honor of the 40th anniversary, a day late, I am
Oscar the Grouch.

If only I had a tin can.


  1. Was the sketch of the invader???An invader of space, time and spirit--trying to steal from those around him---hooray for you----you don't deserve that.

  2. or what it of you---grouch-like??? yes I think perhaps...........

  3. no, the invader was a man...wide legs...she, was my opposite just for a moment.
