Saturday 14 November 2009

SaTurDay TuRn bAck (1)

For the first Saturday I introduce the turn back. A page from a different day.

This day:
August 29. 2009.

I am here. On borrowed paper. Like a dyed blue rose and dreamy eyes-a surge.. a rush.. the burn of the core. For something more. A feeling like a geyser. My eyes are wide for this shared wind of humanity.

Dedicatedly noticed, forever engulfed by wonder and awe- of separation, yet concreted. Bonded like a brick wall. A walk. A wash.. A desire for sea to stop and to
j u s t b e.

Beneath that arch with that smile. The one that is long. A timeless mind, a healing step into the mystery of the directions where has beens are will bes.. and what's it are who's its...
and we care.

Free to swim. To return as we began, beneath it all. Before this land. This route.. hoolah hoops... when express was merely part of expression.. when whO you were meant mOre than whAt we did. What we do. the strive to preserve or prevent.. persona... proof... in the axis.

The onion cutting eyes of feeling connection. But not able to reach... constant thought. True appreciation. Shielded with a shaded window. Shared. Journey ahead, today... staticity of a traffic jam.. but I can sEE...

a carousel- a cArniVaL of life.

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